Positive psychological content in entrepreneurship education as a prevention of youth destructive behavior
positive psychology, socialization of youth, psychology of entrepreneurship, prevention of destructive behavior, entrepreneurship trainingAbstract
Socialization today is a multidimensional concept and process, which makes it relevant to research the methodology and practice of teaching and educating young people.
The introduction presents a socio-psychological perspective on socialization. The research seeks to provide a positive psychological substantiation of the possibility of managing the process of socialization through teaching entrepreneurship to schoolchildren and university students.
The materials and methods used in the research constitute the methodological potential of positive psychology in the aspect of its legitimate use in programs for the prevention of destructive behavior of adolescents and youth through entrepreneurship training. The article analyzes Russian and foreign literature regarding the validity of the positive psychological approach as a methodology for developing entrepreneurship training programs providing a constructive alternative to destructive behavior of young people. The psychological and pedagogical axiom of the unity of education and upbringing is considered both in the interpretation of M. Seligman and his followers, and in the interpretation of Russian researchers. Entrepreneurship training offered as an alternative to destructive behavior has positive psychological content which combines the teaching of both well-being skills and achievement skills. The article goes on to examine a specific educational project.
In the discussion part of the article, entrepreneurship training is viewed as a factor of constructive socialization of young people. Unless young people are able to use their “strengths of personality” during the transition from high school to university, their socialization might develop in a destructive fashion. Positive education which is based on the strengths of an individual can significantly enrich both the individual’s development and the society as a whole. The main conclusion of our research is that prevention and overcoming of delinquent and destructive behavior of young people can be carried out through teaching entrepreneurship to schoolchildren and university students from the perspective of the applied use of the positive psychological approach.
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