The level of creativity of psychology students: The case of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov
creativity, students, psychologist, abilities, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
Introduction. The article focuses on creativity, which is viewed as one of the main factors influencing successful professional activity of a psychologist. Creativity is understood as a person’s ability to innovate, which can be traced in emotions, thinking, communication and various types of activity. Creativity occupies an important place in the activity of a psychologist and is a professionally important quality for a psychologist. The formation of creativity begins during the university period, when creative thinking is integrated into educational and professional activities. This makes is relevant to assess the level of creativity in psychology students. The article analyzes the level of creativity of psychology students studying at Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov (Kazakhstan).
Materials and methods. We used Johnson’s Creativity Questionnaire to assess the following parameters: sensitivity to the problem, fluency of thinking, flexibility of mind, resourcefulness and ingenuity, ability to structure, originality, independence, and self-sufficient behavior. The total indicator of creativity was analyzed. The sample included 35 psychology students aged 18-22.
Results. The empirical data showed that psychology students have a high degree of creativity—specifically, 60.0% of students have a high level of creativity, 28.6%, very high, and 11.4%, medium. Students with low and very low creativity levels were not found in the sample.
Conclusion. We compared these results with the data regarding creativity in students studying on non-psychology programs presented by other authors, and we found that psychology students have a higher level of creativity. We suggest that these results are explained by the specifics of professional training of psychologists, which creates prerequisites for the development of creativity. The prospects of the study are connected with a detailed verification of this hypothesis.
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