The impact of parenting style on the development of aggressive behaviour in adolescents in the context of corrective and preventive psychological work




aggression, upbringing, overprotection, assessment, correction, family, prevention, emotional instability


Adolescent aggression has been the focus of a wide range of studies, but still remains a relevant topic globally, including in Azerbaijan. This paper reports the results of a study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a corrective and preventive psychological programme that focuses on mitigating adolescent aggression and includes activities addressing the parenting styles in the adolescents’ families. The study, conducted in Baku, involved 870 respondents of both sexes in the experimental (n = 227, 119/108) and control (n = 208, 108/100) groups. The goals of the study were as follows: to determine the forms of adolescents’ aggressive reactions, to analyse the survey data on the impact the parenting style has on the development of respondents’ emotional and behavioural disorders, to present a generalised comparative analysis of the gender and age dynamics of aggression and to develop and implement a corrective programme for this age group. The psychologists used the following methods in their work with adolescents: the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory and the E. G. Eidemiller Family Relationship Analysis questionnaire. The obtained data was used to design and implement a programme for teenagers and their families, aimed at the preventing and correcting adolescent aggression. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the implemented programme, a follow-up assessment was carried out. The SPSS computer programme and methods of mathematical statistics were used to process and interpret the results of the empirical study.

The results of the empirical study showed a close connection between the type of parenting style and manifestation of emotional and behavioural disorders in adolescents. Timely preventive and corrective measures addressing the child-parent relationships that were part of our study made it possible to turn the child’s upbringing into a meaningful, purposeful and regulated process. This resulted in a consistently reduction of the negative impact of unconstructive parenting styles on the emotional state and behaviour of adolescents.

The conducted research has shown that changing the family’s attitude towards the child and replacing an authoritarian parental attitude—with domineering or indulging hyperprotection, hypoprotection, or unstable parenting style— with that of cooperation and mutual understanding, prevents the manifestation of emotional imbalance and aggression in adolescents.

The results obtained are the basis for the author’s project “The School of the Future,” which envisages the introduction into the education system of a coordination centre for socio-psychological support that includes four services: psychological, wellness, counselling and school mediation.



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