Psychological-linguistic analysis of the transformation of meanings of verbal and nonverbal components of a conflictogenic polycode text of extremist nature in the youth environment




extremism, youth, conflictogenic polycode text, transformation of meanings, verbal and non-verbal components


Introduction. A deliberate change or addition of components can lead to the transformation of original meaning and, accordingly, change the general idea of the text. The meaning of an individual element of the content of the text may change, if the element is placed in an atypical context, supplemented, clarified, expanded, or undergoes structural changes. The purpose of this study is to describe the cognitive components of the transformation mechanism of value orientations and moral and ethical attitudes of young people.

Materials and Methods. The mechanism of the transformation of meaning can be hypothetically explained by the formation of a new proposition by means of reference—i. e., inference of multi-code values loaded into a polycode text frame. The production of a new meaning can be accompanied by such psychological mechanisms as transdiscursiveness and interdiscursiveness. The persuasive potential of a polycode text in the transformation of meaning can also be explained by the effect of marking/demarcation of cognitive categories (i. e., concepts).

Results. The main goal of conflictogenic polycode text is to change the addressee’s attitude to and opinion about a particular image, action, situation, etc., associated with the “Own” pole and the “Alien” pole . The functioning of conflictogenic polycode texts based on the transformation of meaning aims to change, whether partially or completely, the value orientations of the addressee and substantiate and confirm the correctness of ideas typical of the social group of the author of the text. The value orientations examined in this study are the signs of “Own” and “Alien” which represent the social space in the minds of young people.

Conclusion. A description of cognitive components of the transformation mechanism of value orientations and moral attitudes of young people will make it possible to determine the patterns of the patterns of the impact of such components on the values on the values, meanings and strategies of behaviour of the studied group.



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