Multi-level periodisation of ontogenesis. Becoming of the system of leading functions for an arbitrary level of organisation.

Part 2


  • Yuri N. Karandashev Independent researcher



ontogenesis, periodisation of ontogenesis, organisation level, multi-level periodisation, level formation, initial function, leading function, interaction cycle, cycle configuration


The article discusses the multi-level periodisation of ontogeny, namely the becoming of a system of leading functions for an arbitrary level of organisation. The adjective arbitrary is understood as a level in which everything that is repeated in other levels is detailed, but any of their specifics is quite omitted. As for the concept of becoming, its content is enhanced by several intra-level layers added to the upper one. And finally, becoming itself is derived from the configuration of cycles, which organizes the interaction of intra-level layers and determines the level system of leading functions. The proposed analysis scheme is declared as a basis for describing each level of ontogeny organisation.

The previously published part of the article includes two sections. In the first one, “Arbitrary scheme of level periodization”, definitions and descriptions of its basic concepts are given: a) the level of organisation, the formation of level and the initial function, b) layers of level and the system of leading functions, c) the hierarchy of layers and cycles of interaction, d) leading functions and developmental periods. The second section, “Configuration of interaction cycles”, expands the cycles’ configuration graphs and considers the layers of organisation that constitute them.

This second part of the article completes the work presented in the first one. This is indicated by the title of its only section “Becoming of a system of leading functions”, declared as key expression in the title of both parts of the article. Therefore, the second of them begins with the classical (L. Vygotsky) introduction “Structure and dynamics of development”, which is further turned into an analysis of the interaction cycles of intra-level layers with a description of the corresponding leading function.



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Karandashev, Yu. N. (2017) Stanovlenie materii [The becoming of matter]. In: Yu. N. Karandashev. Mekhanizm stanovleniya materii v uchenii Gegelya o bytii [The mechanism of the formation of matter in Hegel’s doctrine of being]. Belsko-Biala: Addendum Publ., 260 p. (In Russian)

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