Talent management under conditions of digital transformation in education


  • Irina F. Sibgatullina Institute for Intellectual Integrations
  • Elena E. Merzon Kazan Federal University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7708-2946
  • Arthuro Seibgll Institute for Intellectual Integrations




digital economy, transformation of the labour market, talent management, social and psychological aspects of the digital environment in education, a new look at self-development and mentoring of the gifted, informal education in depth


The article discusses the social and psychological aspects of the digital environment and their impact on talent management systems. It also discusses the current shift in the labour market and offers a new perspective on self-development and mentoring. The development of the digital environment does not only have positive, but also negative consequences. Social inequality will increase, bringing forth multiple psychological problems connected with the lack of opportunity for selffulfilment and realization of one’s personal talent. In these conditions, it is the type of work that cannot be codified that will provide the best opportunity for talent preservation. The value of human capital, creativity and mindfulness is increasing. In the digital environment, lifelong education becomes essential. The introduction of state of the art digital teaching methods will require cultural and psychological transformation from both teachers and students. The digital environment will require a new approach to self-development. It is highly important for the mental well-being of a person of the digital age to have a flexible development schedule. Informal education, however, will be able to balance the general need for knowledge pertinent to digital economy with preserving individual mental well-being. The authors propose a discussion around the concept of informal education that goes beyond the realm of robotic substitution and digital footprint.


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