Various types of intelligence and professional success in human interaction professions (case study of salespeople)




verbal intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, abilities, professional activity


Introduction. This study was preceded by an analysis of prior literature devoted to the relationship between success (performance) in one’s cognitive and professional activities with various types of intelligence, more specifically the high contribution of social and emotional intelligence to academic and professional success. The aim of this study was to compare successful and unsuccessful human interaction professionals by verbal, social and emotional intelligence.

Materials and methods. The study compared two groups of home appliances and electronics salespeople (n = 72), who were divided by levels of verbal, social and emotional intelligence. The following methods were used: the Social Intelligence Test by J. Guildford, Verbal Intelligence Test by G. Eysencka and the Test of Emotional Intelligence by N. Hall. Descriptive statistics, comparative and correlation analysis were used for statistical data processing.

Results of the study. It was found that successful (effective) sellers outperform unsuccessful (not effective) sellers in terms of verbal, social and emotional intelligence. The greatest difference between these groups of sellers is observed in verbal intelligence, the smallest in social intelligence. Also, successful (effective) sellers have higher indicators on the scales of social and emotional intelligence, which correlate with the ability to regulate one’s emotional states, emotional awareness as well as synthesis and analysis of social information that they can extrapolate to actual encounters with the buyers. In both groups, there were no significant correlations between verbal intelligence and general social intelligence, but a link was found between general social intelligence and general emotional intelligence.

Conclusion. The results obtained can serve as a material for creating programmes for professional selection and professional training in human interaction professions. Further research in this direction can clarify the contribution of each type of intelligence to the success of professional activity and professional education, their optimal ratio at different levels of expression in order to optimize and improve the effectiveness of activities.



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