Proposals for anti-crisis assistance aimed at preserving the psychological health of university students in the context of the coronavirus epidemic


  • Haoyu Wang Anqing Normal University



novel coronavirus pneumonia, college students, intervention strategy, mental health, psychological crisis


Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been a serious threat to people’s lives and psychology. College students are especially vulnerable to psychological crises, since their minds are not yet fully matured and their psychological development is unstable. The current pneumonia epidemic puts college students under various types of pressure and makes them experience various psychological problems. Students are encouraged to study at home, and this results in their complex behaviour and psychological changes. The present study explores the psychological problems of college students in the current epidemic situation; it also explores the causes of such problems and the psychological features developed by college students as a result of the pandemic. Psychological intervention principles and strategies are put forward in order to help college students overcome the current psychological crisis by adjusting their unhealthy emotions, cognition and behaviour as a response to the crisis. The solving of the current difficulties will reduce the psychological pressure experienced by college students, help them extricate themselves from the crisis, and improve their self-awareness, which will exert a major impact on their health, productive study and life quality in general.

The following recommendations aimed at preserving mental health were most in demand among Chinese students in the situation of the coronavirus epidemic: contacting the hotline for psychological help; an optimally organized daily routine, including time for exercise; working out an emotional reaction to the situation and attention to rational assessment of what is happening; maintaining social contacts, subject to self-isolation requirements; adequate use of personal protective equipment; adherence to personal hygiene and to the rules for preventing infection; not resorting to self-medication; etc.



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Xu, Z., Zhang, D., Xu, D. et al. (2021) Physical and mental health outcomes including behavior and attitudes in people having social contacts with COVID-19 patients. PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 2, article e0245945. (In English)

Ye, B., Wu, D., Im, H. et al. (2020) Stressors of COVID-19 and stress consequences: The mediating role of rumination and the moderating role of psychological support. Children & Youth Services Review, vol. 118, article 105466. (In English)

Ye, Z., Yang, X., Zeng, Ch. et al. (2020) Resilience, social support, and coping as mediators between COVID-19-related stressful experiences and acute stress disorder among college students in China. Applied Psychology: Health & Well-Being, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1074–1094. (In English)




