The conceptual model of the control object in the training of repair and maintenance personnel of electric grid companies


  • Sergei S. Epatko Saint Petersburg State University
  • Vitaliy P. Tretyakov Saint Petersburg State University



conceptual model, verbal intelligence, generating games, electricians, staff selection and training of personnel, professional development, training methods, electric power industry, power grid companies, work experience


The article is focused on psychological characteristics that affect the degree to which the conceptual model of the control object is formed among repair and maintenance personnel of electric grid companies. The article describes the activities of employees of electric grid companies and substantiates the possibility of applying the notion of a conceptual model of the control object to their field. The study was attended by technical managers from the service of the chief engineer office, heads of branches and districts of distribution zone, service persons, electricians and employees of field teams. The research methods included a questionnaire and the generative game “Electric grid area 10-0.4 kilovolts”. The results of the game were used to identify the degree to which the conceptual model of the control object is formed. Mathematical data processing was performed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient, principal component analysis with varimax rotation, one-way ANOVA on ranks, T-test and the Mann — Whitney U-test, Linear regression, and k-means clustering. The study identified cognitive predictors associated with verbal intelligence that affect the formation of the conceptual model of the object of control among repair and maintenance personnel of electric networks. These results make it possible to improve the process of recruiting and training personnel in electric grid companies. The study tested the criteria for evaluating the degree of formation of the conceptual model of the control object using the method of generating games. We also studied the structure of the conceptual model of the object of control. The study revealed the relations between technological, functional and informational operational units of activity for employees with different degrees of conceptual model formation.



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