Features of psychological reactions to epidemic threat communicated by the mass media





psychological reactions, information environment, extreme situation, epidemic threat, COVID-19 pandemic


Modern society is currently undergoing social, economic and political transformations. Any transformations are accompanied by an increase in psychological and social tension due to a change in attitude both towards the situation as a whole and to its individual key elements. At the moment, the attitude towards the COVID-19 pandemic is one such key element. Unprecedented measures taken at all social levels (from micro- to macro-social) have changed the lives of every Russian citizen and every member of the global community. At the same time, it is important to understand that the attitudes and, consequently, the reactions are influenced by the multiplier effect of virtual stimuli in the information space. The aim of our project is to study the characteristics of human reactions that occur in the context of an epidemic threat communicated by the information environment.

The study involved 108 respondents aged 18 to 68, of which 87% were women and 13% were men. To achieve the objectives of the study, the authors developed an original structured interview aimed at identifying the respondents’ perceptions of the emergence of COVID-19 and the prevention measures introduced to stop its spread. The researchers also used two test methods: an integrative anxiety test and a self-assessment questionnaire. This study will help to determine the tactics of psycho-preventive work with various groups of the general public during the period of a rising epidemic and the emergence of a pandemic.

The planned research will expand the knowledge and enhance the understanding of the pathopsychological response mechanisms in extreme conditions created by the influence of the information environment. In addition, the use of psychological approaches in studying the effects of the informational environment on the mental state and wellbeing of society will enable us to outline the ways to improve the system of public health protection which is a basic resource for Russia’s national security.



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