Psychological evaluation of the risk of early sexual activity in girls by means of a thematic apperception test


  • Elena G. Bortnikova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



early sexual activity, Thematic Apperception Test, adolescence, deviant behaviour, gender relations


Sexual deviation in the form of early sexual activity, especially in girls, is a topical issue exacerbated by modern socio-cultural change, and, particularly, prominent risks associated with such deviant behaviour. Thus, prompt detection of risk factors in this area is crucial. However, the diagnostic evaluation of risk factors is hindered by the bulk of psychodiagnostic tools that make the process of assessing a teenager’s attitude system long and tedious for the test subject. We hypothesised that the use of a thematic apperception test may allow us to comprehensively determine an individual’s psychological characteristics. The study used clinical and psychological research methods: a socio-demographic survey and a questionnaire on deviant behaviour in adolescents. The latter included questions about several spheres of an adolescent’s life: stressful experiences, features of the psycho-physiological state, specifics of their relationship with their parents, features of relationships with peers (including classmates, and, possibly, a reference group in the form of an informal group); risk assessment for alcoholism and drug use, early sexual activity, suicidal behaviour, a system of relationships linked to academic performance including relationships with teachers and interest in academic achievement. The research also employed the projective method — a modified thematic apperception test aimed at modern adolescents. Card topics included gender relations, relationships with peers, the way one sees herself, relationships with adults, fear. As there is a variety of schemes for interpreting TAT, various options are given that complement each other. The study was conducted in secondary schools. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions about the subjects’ emotional background, coping strategies, reflexion, and motivation, and the features of gender and interpersonal relationships in adolescent girls prone to early sexual activity; markers of early sexual activity were identified when interpreting the thematic apperception tests.



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