Digitalization in modern education (case study of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)




digitalization, digital technology, digital educational environment, distance learning


This article focuses on the question of introducing digital technology into modern education. The use of digital technology is becoming obligatory and has a major impact on the life in the modern society, as it is involved in all the areas of human activity. Technological skills contribute to the development of professional competencies and better professional training for students, since information culture and computer literacy are an integral part of the educational process. Digital technologies today contribute to the provision of education with the methodology and practice for the development and optimal use of modern information technologies aimed at attaining professional and cultural education goals.

Distance learning at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia is organized on the Moodle platform. The purpose of our study was to find out what elements of the Moodle system teachers use to engage in distance learning. To do so, an online survey was conducted on the Moodle distance learning platform. 1795 bachelor and specialist students in years 1 through 4 participated in the online survey.

The introduction of digital technology into education will force us to review curricula and integrate conceptual and relevant innovations. New curricula should not only include mandatory information acquisition by students, but also focus on allowing them to achieve other goals, namely creativity, imagination and teamwork, regardless of the location of team members. Finally, it should be noted that global modern education has faced major shifts caused by the further integration of new digital technologies into educational activities and the active search for effective implementation models that would harness new digital tools. Distance learning—as a new type of educational process—contributes to the systematization of knowledge which allows interactive presentation of lecture and practical material to students. In our opinion, however, it is far from an ideal form of education. Distance learning will never replace the communication between the teacher and the student, but can only serve as an additional element.



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