Self-actualization profile for representatives of different professions




self-actualization, growth, development, a self-actualization profile, helping professions, creative professions, military personnel, entrepreneurship, professions in the sphere of information technologies


The paper presents the results of a research on similarities and differences between the components of a self-actualization profile for representatives of different types of professions. The study involved respondents from 5 professional groups: helping professions, creative professions, professions in the spheres of business entrepreneurship and information technologies, and military professions (100 people in each sample). The results suggest that flexibility in their behaviour and interaction with others is a significant component of the self-actualization profile for all sample groups. However, other prominent components differ from one group to another. For instance, representatives of helping professions are more communicative; they have a more positive view of human nature and trust in the dominance of merits. Representatives of creative professions are more creative, sensitive, and spontaneous. They are capable of reflecting on their needs and interests, unreserved in their behaviour and open in expressing their feelings; they strive to create and derive pleasure from creative activity. The entrepreneurs involved in the study appear more “internally guided”, they show independence, guided by their own principles and beliefs, and appreciate the value of growth and development. They know their own worth, and they show self-awareness and self-respect. However, being part of the business world, they may have a somewhat negative perception of human nature, and may not believe in kindness or generosity. The respondents representing IT-professions are more inclined to embrace themselves regardless of external evaluation of their merits and demerits, and have a positive view of human nature. The self-actualization profile of the military differs rather significantly from the others. They tend to live for the moment more than the representatives of the other professional groups; they appreciate and respect themselves, accept themselves for what they are with all their strengths and weaknesses, and are also more inclined to accept irritation, anger, and aggression as natural manifestations of human nature. In addition, they seek to learn and to understand the world around them more than the others. At the same time, they are less communicative and show lower degrees of sensitivity and spontaneity in manifesting their feelings and desires.



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