The impact of digital socialization on psychological well-being




psychological well-being, life satisfaction, digital socialization, perceived stress, involvement in cyber socialization


The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between indicators of psychological well-being and the prevalence of digital social interactions, which are especially relevant for younger individuals. Psychological assessment was conducted using Russian-language adaptations of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale by Carol D. Ryff, the Satisfaction with Life Scale by Diener et al., the Perceived Stress Scale by Sheldon Cohen and Gail M. Williamson, as well as the author’s Cyber Socialization Involvement Questionnaire. Involvement in cyber socialization is understood as a comprehensive psychological construct, which includes two relatively autonomous factors: positive and negative involvement, where the former is further divided into three specific factors (motivation, personal position and competence).

The sample included 268 people aged 17 to 30 working in various organizations or studying at universities and secondary vocational schools. Dispersion and regression analysis demonstrated that constructive involvement in cyber socialization increases indicators of psychological well-being and life satisfaction and reduces indicators of perceived stress, while destructive involvement in cyber socialization has a negative effect on many of these indicators that is much stronger compared to the effect of constructive engagement. The results obtained confirm the ambivalent nature of the relationship of psychological well-being with the degree of digital social interactions. This indicates the potential for studying the processes of digital socialization, as well as the phenomenon of psychological well-being of an individual in the developing information society of modernity.


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