Art therapy in the correction of emotional disturbances in preschool children


  • Elena V. Markman Russian Christian Academy for Humanities



art therapy, emotional disturbances, emotions, aggression, preschool age, psychological correction, game therapy, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, correction program


The article discusses a popular method of psychological correction of emotional disturbances in preschool children. Art therapy techniques may often be applied in practice by individuals without sufficient professional training, and without necessary regard for the age-related characteristics of the child’s psyche. The development of the emotional sphere is an important part of a child’s personal development. This article highlights prominent issues in the development of the emotional and personal sphere at the preschool age and discusses modern views on emotional processes and emotional development; particular attention is devoted to the causes of frustration in a child and to its manifestations, including aggression. The main purpose of this article is to describe the possibilities offered by specific art therapy methods in correcting the emotional states of preschoolers, finding effective ways to neutralize manifestations of aggression, and identifying the resources necessary for the development of a child’s personality.

The author presents art therapy as an independent psychotherapeutic area, based on the ideas conceived by Freud, Jung, Maslow, and Rogers and developed by many modern researchers. The purpose of this method is to harmonize and develop the human psyche. In this regard, the author substantiates the applicability of art therapy methods in the correction of emotional disorders in preschool children and discusses the most frequently used art therapy techniques. The paper describes the methods, provides examples of the techniques and exercises, and substantiates the necessity of introducing art therapy into the activities of preschool psychologists and teachers. Special attention is devoted to neutralizing manifestations of aggression, particularly to the psychotherapeutic method of psychocorrection of aggressive emotional states. The author highlights specific methods of art therapy, such as isotherapy, fairy tale therapy, and clay therapy, which help preschool children to work through the unconscious motives of their behaviour. The paper provides examples of recommended and copyrighted techniques and recommendations on the development of emotional correction programs for preschool children. Both, group and individual forms of therapy are described on the example of an original program designed for correcting emotional disorders in preschoolers which was tested in the ”Family Centre” in Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.



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