Educators’ effectiveness depending on their types of psychological innovative readiness


  • Igor O. Zagashev Public Educational Institution “Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy”



psychological innovative readiness, educators’ effectiveness, psychological support of organizational innovation, effective innovator profile


This article investigates the relationship between the effectiveness of educators’ work and their predominant type of psychological innovative readiness. Terms “innovation” and “psychological innovative readiness” are seen from the point of view of Vladimir Myasishchev’s Theory of Relations and Joseph Schumpeter’s Business Cycles. In addition to the basic experimental hypotheses, this study also tests the assumption regarding the variable efficiency of labour incentives.

The history of labour incentives for educators cannot be considered separately from the psychological aspects of educators’ professional activities. In the Russian Federation, the study of the relationship between the administrative and financial aspects of teachers’ activities and their effectiveness in the context of innovative transformation has become especially relevant since 2012, when addenda to labour contracts — the so-called “effective contracts” — were introduced into educational institutions. These effective contracts prescribed additional criteria for educators’ activities, aimed at increasing their efficiency in the context of innovative transformation, i. e. the introduction of new educational standards, new information and communication technologies and organizational changes.

Based on Myasishchev’s Theory of Relations, a new understanding of psychological innovative readiness is proposed. Its novelty stems from (1) its structural positioning within employee’s relation framework: their relations to the image of their professional activities, their competence and role; and (2) the investigation of each type of innovative readiness in terms of Schumpeter’s Business Cycles.

The object of the study was a team of educators that worked under externally driven innovation conditions for three academic years. The results of the study revealed the relationship between the dominant type of teacher’s psychological innovative readiness and their effectiveness in a situation of systemic organizational changes, as well as an organizational and psychological profile of an effective innovator.



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