The concept of living worldview in modern spiritual and moral education
living worldview, religious and philosophical psychology, Viktor Nesmelov, spiritual and moral education, personality, self-knowledge, spiritual development, educationAbstract
The relevance of this study is underscored by the lack of comprehensive spiritual and moral education within the modern education system. Current conditions have brought anthropological knowledge — which can become a theoretical and methodological basis for pedagogy — to the forefront. This article presents the results of a historical and psychological study into the concept of a living worldview in Viktor Nesmelov’s religious and philosophical psychology. The concept of a living worldview is the central concept in his view of education. It was reliance on the Orthodox anthropological tradition that enabled him to build a comprehensive concept of individual personality. In educating such an individual, the main goal is their personal self-realization and overcoming the contradiction between their material and ideal natures. Personal self-realisation is the true goal of any educated person and can only be attained by adopting a set of spiritual and moral values. Education should not only mechanically distribute the knowledge of the world, but also educate a spiritual and moral person who is able to find a positive application for the knowledge gained, directing it into a creative endeavour. Nesmelov sees education as a tool for forming students’ worldview through self-reflection and self-realisation. It is not only a combination of scientific knowledge about the world, not only a tool of social adaptation to the norms and rules of society, but also one’s knowledge of the truth about themselves, a clear idea of student’s purpose and self-awareness as a free and rational person. Nesmelov identifies three fundamental types of knowledge — psychological, religious and philosophical — that determine our understanding of both internal and external reality. Such an understanding of the essence of education allows us to conclude that it is necessary to introduce moral pillars into professional, spiritual and moral education, which indeed make modern spiritual and moral education possible. The idea of education should not be reduced only to mechanical training, which involves solving utilitarian and practical problems, but should be guided by a life-long self-determination that promotes self-knowledge and spiritual development of a person, following the Russian anthropological tradition.
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