Autoaggression as a predictor of victim behaviour




autoaggression, manifestations of anger, victimisation, destruction, predictor


The article focuses on autoaggressive behaviour in the context of victimisation risks. The authors consider a number of approaches that define autoaggressive manifestations in Russian and foreign psychology. It is noted that a tendency towards self-aggression may be induced by various causes found within an individual’s personality and in the external environment. Particularly, the efforts of the parents to restrain and control a child’s aggression by using corporal punishment only reinforce and increase the risk of self-injurious behaviour.

The main purpose of the research is to study autoaggression as a predictor of victim behaviour.

In order to address the issue identified as the main focus of the study, the authors present the results of empirical research conducted at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University on a sample group of students, both male and female, aged 18–23 years. In total, the study involved 70 people.

Regression analysis was applied to determine the predictors contributing to different manifestations of victim behaviour. As a result, the propensity for non-critical behaviour was linked to neurotic spontaneous aggression, injurious reactive aggression, and suppression of anger. The tendency towards highly social victimisation behaviour was connected to anger, irritability, reactive aggression, and self-injurious behaviour. The propensity for dependent and helpless behaviour correlates with the levels of hopelessness, inhibition of aggression, and suppression of anger. The tendency towards self-injurious behaviour and self-destruction is influenced by auto-aggression, depression, irritability, and inhibition of aggression. In conclusion, the collected results suggest that there is a set of variables associated with the different manifestations of victim behaviour.



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How to Cite

Belashina, T. V., & Kobzeva, D. A. (2020). Autoaggression as a predictor of victim behaviour. Psychology in Education, 2(1), 26–32.


