The works of E. P. Ilyin as an encyclopaedia of modern psychology




systemic descriptions of the properties of the psychological structure of the personality, somatic properties, psychophysiological properties of the personality, mental states, mental processes, socio-psychological properties


The paper is devoted to the scientific heritage left by E. P. Ilyin, whose works are characterised by fundamentality, descriptive accuracy and expertise, and thus can be defined as an encyclopaedia of modern psychology. Within the framework of his scientific perspective, E. P. Ilyin created detailed systemic descriptions of properties located at all hierarchical levels of an individual’s structure and the psychological structure of personality: somatic and psychophysiological properties, mental states and processes, and psychological and socio-psychological properties of an individual.

Somatic properties were described by E. P. Ilyin in the beginning of his scientific work, shortly after he had received medical education. Later, in two volumes of historical essays and numerous articles, he focused on solving the problem of interrelations between the physiological and the mental.

A number of books and papers by E. P. Ilyin are devoted to psychophysiological properties. His made an innovative contribution to the development of psychophysiology by discovering two new properties of the nervous system — the “external” and “internal” balance of the nervous system, by inventing of a number of instrumental methods for diagnosing the typological properties of the nervous system and motor memory, and by describing typological symptom complexes of the properties of the nervous system.

In his research devoted to mental states, E. P. Ilyin offered detailed and reliable descriptions of motivational-volitional and emotional states, and the states of monotony, mental satiation, emotional burnout, and emotional stress.

Mental processes, according to E. P. Ilyin, are manifested in the abilities of the individual. He formulated an original theory of abilities, where abilities are defined as a composition of psychic functions and innate inclinations.

Another series of books by E. P. Ilyin are devoted to the psychological properties of the personality. One of his latest works, “Psychology of Conscience: Guilt, Shame, Remorse”, describes some the most important moral psychological properties of a person: conscience, honesty and others. Ilyin suggested that in the modern world, conscience and honesty come to the fore in the sphere of professional selection.

The monograph “Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relations” is devoted to sociopsychological properties. It offers detailed and accurate descriptions of the forms of partner influence, various types of manipulation, and emotional states in the process of communication, as well as age- and gender-specific features of communication.

The author concludes that the content of E. P. Ilyin’s works covers the main branches and areas of modern psychology. Each of the books written by him is encyclopaedic in the area declared in the title.



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Ильин, Е. П. (1983) Психофизиология физического воспитания (Факторы, влияющие на эффективность спортивной деятельности). М.: Просвещение, 223 с.

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Ильин, Е. П. (2002b) Дифференциальная психофизиология мужчины и женщины. СПб.: Питер, 544 с.

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Ильин, Е. П. (2004а) Психология индивидуальных различий. СПб.: Питер, 700 с.

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Ильин, Е. П. (2008b) Психология спорта. СПб.: Питер, 351 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2008а) Дифференциальная психология профессиональной деятельности. СПб.: Питер, 428 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2009b) Психология творчества, креативности, одаренности. СПб.: Питер, 444 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2009а) Психология общения и межличностных отношений. СПб.: Питер, 573 с.

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Ильин, Е. П. (2011) Работа и личность: трудоголизм, перфекционизм, лень. СПб.: Питер, 224 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2012b) Психология риска. СПб.: Питер, 286 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2012а) Психология для педагогов. СПб.: Питер, 638 с.

Ильин, Е. П. (2012с) Психология взрослости. СПб.: Питер, 542 с.

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Babushkin, G. D., Smolenceva, V. N., Naumenko, E. A. et al. (2007) Psikhologiya fizicheskoj kul’tury i sporta: uchebnik dlya vysshikh fizkul’turnykh uchebnykh zavedenij [Psychology of physical culture and sports: A textbook for higher physical education institutions]. Omsk: Siberian State University of Physical Education Publ., 270 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1978) Izuchenie svojstv nervnoj sistemy [Studies of the properties of the nervous system].Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State University Publ., 93 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1979a) Metodicheskie ukazaniya k praktikumu po psikhofiziologii (ekspress-metody pri izuchenii svojstv nervnoj sistemy) [Guidelines for a workshop on psychophysiology (express methods in the study of the properties of the nervous system)]. Leningrad: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute Publ., 82 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1979b) Differentsial’naya psikhofiziologiya fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta [Differential psychophysiology of physical education and sport]. Leningrad: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute Publ., 84 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1980) Psikhofiziologiya fizicheskogo vospitaniya: deyatel’nost’ i sostoyaniya [Psychophysiology of physical education: Activities and conditions]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publ., 199 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1981) Metodicheskie ukazaniya k praktikumu po psikhofiziologii (izuchenie psikhomotoriki) [Guidelines for a workshop on psychophysiology (study of psychomotor skills)]. Leningrad: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute Publ., 87 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1983) Psikhofiziologiya fizicheskogo vospitaniya (Faktory, vliyayushchie na effektivnost’ sportivnoj deyatel’nosti) [Psychophysiology of physical education (Factors affecting the effectiveness of sports activities)]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publ., 223 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (1998) Motivy cheloveka: teoriya i metody izucheniya [Motives of man: Theory and methods of study]. Kiev: Vishcha shkola Publ., 291 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2000a) Motivatsiya i motivy [Motivation and motives]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 508 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2000b) Psikhologiya voli [Psychology of the will]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 280 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2000c) Psikhologiya fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Psychology of physical education]. Saint Petersburg: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Publ., 486 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2001) Differentsial’naya psikhofiziologiya [Differential psychophysiology]. 2nd ed. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 454 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2002a) Emotsii i chuvstva [Emotions and feelings]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 752 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2002b) Differentsial’naya psikhofiziologiya muzhchiny i zhenshchiny [Differential psychophysiology of a man and a woman]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 544 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2003) Psikhomotornaya organizatsiya cheloveka [Psychomotor organization of a person]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 382 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2004a) Psikhologiya individual’nykh razlichij [Psychology of individual differences]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 700 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2004b) Psikhologiya: uchebnik dlya srednikh pedagogicheskikh uchebnykh zavedenij [Psychology: A textbook for secondary pedagogical educational institutions]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 559 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2005) Psikhofiziologiya sostoyanij cheloveka [Psychophysiology of human conditions]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 411 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2007) Psikhologiya i fiziologiya: soyuz ili konfrontatsiya (istoricheskie ocherki) [Psychology and physiology: Union or confrontation (historical essays)]: In 2 vols. Chelyabinsk: VND of GNI Publ. Vol. 1: Reflektornye teorii [Reflex theories], 328 p. Vol. 2: Filosofija fiziologii [Philosophy of physiology], 322 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2008a) Differentsial’naya psikhologiya professional’noj deyatel’nosti [Differential psychology of professional activity]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 428 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2008b) Psikhologiya sporta [The psychology of sports]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 351 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2009a) Psikhologiya obshcheniya i mezhlichnostnykh otnoshenij [Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 573 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2009b) Psikhologiya tvorchestva, kreativnosti, odarennosti [Psychology of creativity, giftedness]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 444 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2010) Pol i gender [Sex and gender]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 686 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2011) Rabota i lichnost’: Trudogolizm, perfektsionizm, len’ [Work and personality: Workaholism, perfectionism, laziness]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 224 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2012a) Psikhologiya dlya pedagogov [Psychology for educators]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 638 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2012b) Psikhologiya riska [The psychology of risk]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 286 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2012c) Psikhologiya vzroslosti [Psychology of adulthood]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 542 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2013a) Psikhologiya pomoshchi. Al’truizm, egoizm, empatiya [Psychology of help. Altruism, selfishness, empathy]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 304 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2013b) Psikhologiya doveriya [Psychology of trust]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 282 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2014a) Psikhologiya lyubvi [The psychology of love]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 332 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2014b) Psikhologiya agressivnogo povedeniya [Psychology of aggressive behavior]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 368 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2014c) Psikhologiya zavisti, vrazhdebnosti, tshcheslaviya [The psychology of envy, hostility, vanity]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 208 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2015a) Psikhologiya nadezhdy. Optimizm i pessimizm [The psychology of hope. Optimism and pessimism]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 287 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2015b) Psikhologiya neformal’nogo obshcheniya [Psychology of informal communication]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 384 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2015c) Psikhologiya strakha [The psychology of fear]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 381 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2015d) Sovremennaya otechestvennaya psikhologiya — igra slovami i korrelyatsiyami? [Is modern Russian psychology a play on words and correlations?]. [Online] Available at: (accessed 31.01.2020). (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2016) Psikhologiya sovesti: vina, styd, raskayanie [Psychology of conscience: Guilt, shame, repentance]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 288 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P. (2017) Psikhologiya delovogo obshcheniya [Psychology of business communication]. Saint Petersburg: Piter Publ., 233 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P., Fukin, A. I. (1997) Differentsial’naya psikhofiziologiya professional’noj i uchebnoj deyatel’nosti [Differential psychophysiology of professional and educational activities]. Kazan: Kazan University of Economics, Management and Law Publ., 103 p. (In Russian)

Ilyin, E. P., Safronov, V. K., Kiselev, S. Ya. (1989) Psikhologiya sporta. Sovremennye napravleniya v psikhologii [The psychology of sports. Modern trends in psychology]. Leningrad: Leningrad State University Publ., 96 p. (In Russian)

Lalayan, A. A. (comp.). (1981) Bibliograficheskij ukazatel’ rabot sotrudnikov laboratorii psikhofiziologii fizicheskogo vospitaniya LGPI im. A. I. Gertsena [Bibliographic index of the work of employees of the laboratory of psychophysiology physical education Herzen Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute]. Yerevan: s. n., 27 p. (In Russian)

Tsagarelli, Yu. A. (2009) Sistemnaya diagnostika cheloveka i razvitie psikhicheskikh funktsij [Systemic diagnosis of a person and the development of mental functions]. Kazan: Poznanie Publ., 491 p. (In Russian)


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Ильин, Е. П. Психология воли. Монография. СПб.: Питер, 2000, 2002, 2009.

Ильин, Е. П. Психология физического воспитания. Учебник. СПб.: Изд-во РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2000; М.: Просвещение, 2007.

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Ильин, Е. П. Эмоции и чувства. Монография. СПб.: Питер, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2013. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).

Ильин, Е. П. Дифференциальная психофизиология мужчины и женщины. Монография. СПб.: Питер, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).

Ильин, Е. П. Психология индивидуальных различий. СПб.: Питер, 2004, 2011. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).

Ильин, Е. П. Дифференциальная психология профессиональной деятельности. Монография. СПб.: Питер, 2008, 2011. (Серия «Мастера психологии).

Ильин, Е. П. Психология спорта. Монография. СПб.: Питер, 2008, 2011, 2012. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).

Ильин, Е. П. Психология общения и межличностных отношений. СПб.: Питер, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).

Ильин, Е. П. Психология творчества, креативности, одаренности. СПб.: Питер, 2009, 2011, 2012. (Серия «Мастера психологии»).




