School inclusion for children with special educational needs in the Republic of Moldova


  • Oksana V. Kurteva Comrat State University
  • Adina A. Platica Taraclia State University



children with special educational needs, inclusion, assimilation of the experience of the school environment, adaptation, school adaptation, social adaptation


This article discusses the organisation of inclusion in comprehensive schools of the Republic of Moldova and describes key points in the education of children with special educational needs. The Program for the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova for 2011–2020 represents an approach whereby all children should have equal opportunities to attend school and study together. One of the most important tasks of modern education, including the education of special needs students, is to develop competencies for social inclusion. The achievement of this goal requires a united effort in behalf of all the people who are involved in this process and who play an important role in teaching these children, especially at the early stages, facilitating adaptation to the educational process and to a group of peers. A school is an institution that must provide educational services to any child regardless of their origin, and their biological, psychological, social, or cultural characteristics. In addition, in recent years social evolution has increasingly embraced the ideas of human diversity and the opportunity for universal education. The process of assimilating the experience of the school environment by a child means adapting his/her behaviour patterns to new situations. This process is made easier thanks to a clear structure of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova at the top (Centre of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance), district (District Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance Services) and local level (Multidisciplinary Intra-school Commission). At all levels, services in inclusive education are provided by pedagogical staff and specialised personnel, i. e. psychologists, speech therapists, psycho-pedagogues, kinetotherapists, auxiliary teaching staff and other highly qualified specialists. For inclusion to be successful, in addition to the effort made by professionals in education, parents should also be involved in the process of inclusive education for children with special needs.



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