Individual features of the age development of motor and intellectual abilities




motor and intellectual abilities, properties of the nervous system, typological complex, individual features of age development, general intelligence


The study focused on the correlations between motor and intellectual abilities and the rate of their development with individual typological features of the manifestation of the nervous system’s basic properties in the process of age development. It was revealed that a high initial level of manifestation of motor abilities is more often accompanied by a lower level of intellectual abilities and vice versa, and only speed abilities are positively associated with general intelligence in the age groups of 14, 16, 18 year-olds. While the rate of motor and intellectual abilities’ increase exhibits positive correlations more often, these correlations are clearly identified in relation to speed-power and speed abilities and general intelligence practically in all age groups.

Typological complexes accompanying the rate of motor and intellectual abilities increase in the process of age development differ significantly. Thus, in 12-year-olds, the increase rate in motor abilities is more often associated with such properties as the strength of the nervous system and the inertia of nervous processes, while the dynamics of general intelligence is associated with the mobility of nervous processes. These differences are also characteristic of the dynamics in 14-year-olds, however, there is also a direct correlation – specifically, the increase rate of both intellectual and speed indicators at the age of 14 is higher in adolescents with a stronger nervous system and mobility of excitation. In the age group of 16-year-olds, the dynamic of motor manifestations is higher in mobile adolescents who are equable in external balance. The increase rate of general intelligence is higher in adolescents with a stronger nervous system and a predominance of excitement in the external balance. At the age of 18, the dynamic of motor abilities is associated with a stronger nervous system and the predominance of excitation in the external balance, while the dynamic of general intelligence is higher in youngsters with a stronger nervous system and the predominance of excitation in the internal balance. The same correlations are somewhat less pronounced in 20-year-olds. As a result, we can talk about the different timing, duration, and degree of manifestation of intensive development periods in young men for motor abilities on the one hand, and intellectual abilities on the other, which is obviously a manifestation of individual characteristics of age development.



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