The attitude of adult relatives towards a severely ill child and their assessment of the difficult life situation with regard to the type of the child’s illness
illness, child, relative, situation assessment, parents’ attitudeAbstract
The paper analyses the attitudes of close relatives to their severely ill children and to the situation itself depending on the child’s illness. We surveyed 123 parents whose children were suffering from serious illnesses with an unfavourable prognosis (average duration of illness 2.5 years), with mothers representing the majority of the sample (82 %). The age of the sample group ranged from 20 to 60 years, and the age of the children — from 1 to 18 years. The sample group was further divided into two subgroups: the first included relatives whose children suffered from oncological diseases (n = 76); the second was comprised of relatives whose children were diagnosed with severe chronic diseases i.e. nervous system diseases, congenital anomalies, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. (n = 47). In order to define the rate at which various features of the relatives’ attitude manifested themselves, we modified the “ODREV” questionnaire — a diagnostic questionnaire of emotional relations in the family developed by E. I. Zakharova. We developed an original survey to collect biographical data and to examine the attitudes of the relatives towards their child’s illness. To investigate the parents’ assessment of their own life situation we applied our original method, «Semantic differential of life situation». The authors conclude that the attitudes correlate with various aspects of perception of the circumstances, which, in our opinion, reflects different approaches to coping with the situation. In addition, the attitude towards the situation can be matched to different stages of grieving. In the case of relatives whose children suffer from cancer, their feelings can be correlated with such stages as denial — rejection of reality, bargaining — attempts to make a deal with fate, or hope. For the relatives whose children have severe chronic diseases the correlation is with fear, depression, and loss of interest in life, or acceptance, humility, and finding peace. The authors also established that a relative’s negative attitude to the difficult life situation is interrelated with a decline in the emotional relation with the child, while their responsiveness and behaviour towards the child are not affected.
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