A study of students’ educational activity motivation at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport of the Petrozavodsk State University


  • Vladimir P. Umnov Petrozavodsk State University




specialist training, motives, motivation, educational activity motivation, motivation orientation, gender differences


The attitude towards the future profession can be regarded as a form and a measure of accepting the ultimate goals of learning. Students’ attitude to studying creates educational activity motivation. This idea substantiates the need to examine students’ educational activity motivation which affects their individual and professional development. Based on the fact that personal orientations of the students educated at the Faculty of Physical Culture differ and also that a change in motivation content due to a change in their main social position occurs at each stage of personal development congruous to their leading motives and needs, it can be expected that these can greatly influence the educational activity motivation of the students. The authors hypothesise that the change in subject content of academic disciplines affects the motive dynamics and the structure of student motivation during the learning process.

The current research was based on the technique titled “Motivation for Studying at the University” by T.I. Ilyina, which includes three scales: “acquiring knowledge”; “mastering the profession”; “receiving a degree”. The domination of motives from the first two scales confirms the appropriateness of the student’s career choice and their satisfaction with it. The questionnaire was administered to students in all 4 years of study; 115 students were surveyed in November 2016, 92 in November 2017, and 84 in October 2018.

The outcomes of the survey suggest that motives from the first two scales “acquiring knowledge”; “mastering the profession”) generally prevail. This indicates that the students made the right career choice to become Physical Education teachers. However, up to 40 % of the students are dissatisfied with the chosen profession. It was revealed that the students are more interested in receiving a university degree (motives of social and personal prestige) than in mastering their future profession (professional motivation). Student motivation is also characterised by gender differences: overall, young men are more motivated to acquire knowledge, master the profession, and earn a degree than young women. Motivation related to acquiring knowledge and receiving a degree generally does not change over the years of study.



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