The methods of the research of thinking in the perspective of the development of Russian psychology
thinking, method, psychology of thinking, thought, experiment, life worldAbstract
Introduction. The article provides an overview and analysis of the methods available to the psychology of thinking — an area which has a growing subject field, experiences the strengthening of interdisciplinary discourse, and is influenced by the overall anthropologization of psychology. These trends dictate the need to improve research ‘optics’ and procedures, stimulus materials and measurement methods aimed at reconstructing the polymorphic and multilevel dynamics of mental activity not only in the experimental situation, but also in the context of one’s daily life with its value-semantic and spatial-temporal parameters.
Results and Discussion. The article describes the transformations of conceptual foundations, procedures and tools which have been traditionally relied upon by Russian psychology of thinking. The author shows how these foundations, procedures and tools transformed along with the changes in research objectives, the expansion of the subject field of the psychology of thinking, and the increase in the complexity of the tasks solved by researchers. The author examines the path of Russian psychology from overcoming formal logical reductionism in understanding mental actions and bridging the gap between cognitive and emotional processes to elucidating the mechanisms of voluntary initiation of mental activity (including beyond experiment), and from describing the operational-dynamic aspects of the thought process to identifying its motivational-semantic and spatial-temporal characteristics and disclosing the role of values in the construction of orientations in the task.
Conclusions. The article identifies the methodological trends that are starting to emerge in the modern psychology of thinking. These trends are caused by the ‘anthropological turn’, which led to a different understanding of a number of issues: substantive and functional-dynamic aspects of thinking; validity of experimental procedures in relation to thinking processes that cannot be objectified and reduced to formal logical operations; the level of complexity and the scale of the functional system in which thinking is included as the organizing principle; and the phenomenological composition of thought as a unit of analysis of mental dynamics and mental experience in the context of one’s life.
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