Creating an individual learning space by adolescents in the process of self-knowledge




educational environment, individual learning space, meaningful learning activity, cognitive alienation, adolescents


Introduction. Self-reflection, self-understanding and the ability to create ideas about one’s development are important components both in the cognitive activity of an adolescent and in the formation of the adolescent’s personality.

Purpose of the study. The study determines the content of psychological and pedagogical work aimed at creating the individual learning space by adolescents.

Materials and Methods. The study is a literature review of sources related to the development of the individual learning space by adolescents.

Results. The authors demonstrate that the learning space is understood as a combination of objects, conditions, things and social components that subjectively have an educational function for a person. For a learning space to become an individual learning space, its elements must acquire personal significance and personal meaning for students. Today the information environment provides major opportunities for expanding the individual learning space. In adolescents, the individual leaning space is formed through self-understanding.

Conclusions. The findings can be used in psychological and pedagogical work to encourage adolescents’ exploration of their self, uniqueness, preferences, interests, attitudes and individual characteristics. As a result, adolescents may see new goals and objectives in learning, unlock their abilities for engaging in more effective cognitive and creative activities and have more awareness in developing their individual abilities.



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