Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire: Structure and primary psychometric characteristics
cyber-victimization, cyberbullying, coping strategies, Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire, adolescentsAbstract
Introduction. The article presents an adaptation of The Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire (CWCBQ) (Sticca et al. 2015) for identifying cyber-victimization in Russian- and Kazakh-speaking groups. The development of the original questionnaire involved qualitative pilot studies and an assessment of its validity and reliability based on the data collected in Switzerland, Italy and Ireland. The questionnaire aimed to ‘explore how adolescents cope with experiences of cybervictimization and which coping strategies are linked to well-being or adverse outcomes’ (Sticca et al. 2015).
Materials and Methods. The study used a Russian translation of the CWCBQ. The adaptation of the questionnaire was conducted in 2022 and 2023 on a sample of 1450 adolescents (41.3 % male, 58.6 % female). The participants were aged 12–17 years (the mean age was 14.3 years).
Results. The study tested the structure of the questionnaire using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Exploratory analysis revealed 7 subscales related to different strategies, but some scores were unsatisfactory, which required adjustment of the model. The study identified a four-factor structure with 19 statements. The results demonstrated significant influence of certain items on the factors and identified the best indicators to assess the model fit. The study program included configural, metric and scalar invariance analyses of the data from two language groups. The factors of “close support”, “retaliation”, “active ignoring” and “distal advice” were validated. The questionnaire exhibited high discriminability and reliability, making it suitable for use in psychological research.
Conclusions. Future research will contribute to a better understanding of cyberbullying coping strategies. Our research offers valuable insights into the potential impact of coping mechanisms on the association between cyber-victimization and overall well-being, and into strategies to mitigate the adverse consequences of cyber-victimization.
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