Sensorimotor integration as a method of cognitive, emotional and communicative development based on motor activity




sensory and motor integration, sensory and motor development of children, cognitive processes, communication skills, social skills, social intelligence


Introduction. The article analyses the relationship between sensorimotor development of children and their productivity in learning. Harmonious development of a child necessarily requires semantic orientation of tasks, encouragement to take initiative, and inclusion of physical activity in developmental programs. The article describes the theoretical basis of the Sovopraktika method of sensory and motor integration proposed by the authors. In the theoretical justification, we rely on the requirements of the pedagogy of developmental programs and on modern approaches to the development of cognitive functions (in particular, on the functional structure of intelligence by B. M. Velichkovsky (Velichkovsky 2006), which are presented in the structure of classes using the method of sensorimotor integration “Sovopraktika”.

Materials and Methods. The authors describe the method of sensory and motor integration Sovopraktika which is aimed at developing and constructing a semantic structure of perception and action in the flow of information from the senses. The method integrates the motor, sensory and cognitive systems and processes using the meaning of actions and specific goals. The approach of N. A. Bernstein and B. M. Velichkovsky, the theory of level structure and development of movements and the theory of the functional structure of intelligence were chosen as the methodological basis of the method.

Research results. The article provides data on the improvement of social intelligence indicators in children aged 6–8 years after taking classes that included the “Sovopraktika” method of sensorimotor integration. A detailed lesson plan for the method of sensorimotor integration “Sovopraktika” is described, which presents the stages of the formation of cognitive and motor activity. By comparison with the control group, where the development of social-emotional intelligence was carried out without the inclusion of motor activity, it was shown that classes using the sensorimotor integration method lead to an increase in social intelligence indicators in children

Conclusions. It was shown that classes using the method of sensory and motor integration lead to an increase in indicators of social-emotional intelligence in children of the experimental group compared to the control group in which children studied with a psychologist in order to develop social-emotional intelligence without the inclusion of motor activity. The authors emphasize that it is independent activity in an uncertain environment that is especially valuable in children’s education, rather than extensive knowledge or specific skills.



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