Personality traits of individuals with auto-aggressive behavior in adolescence and in adulthood
auto-aggressive behavior, suicidal behavior, non-suicidal self-harming behavior, mental immaturity, impulsiveness, aggressivenessAbstract
Introduction. The article focuses on the psychological characteristics of individuals with auto-aggressive (self-harming and suicidal) behavior. Self-harming behavior is widely prevalent among adolescents and young people, and there is a need to timely identify suicidal risk and develop methods of psychological correction.
Materials and Methods. The following methods were used to collect data: Buss-Perry Aggressiveness Questionnaire (BPAQ-24), Hirschfeld Interpersonal Dependency Inventory, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) and Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale. The sample consisted of 96 people: 37 respondents with a history of auto-aggressive behavior and 59 respondents with no such history. Both groups were divided into subgroups: adolescents (16 to 20 years old) and adults (21 to 34 years old).
Results. Both male and female adolescents with auto-aggressive behavior are more impulsive than adolescents without auto-aggressive behavior. Both male and female adults with auto-aggressive behavior, compared to the adults in the control group, have more pronounced impulsiveness, hostility, tendency to be emotionally reliant on others and dependency in interpersonal relationships; they also have lower self-esteem than the respondents in the control group. Young men and women without autoaggressive behavior have higher levels of anger, lack self-confidence, need emotional reliance on others, are dependent in interpersonal relationships, and have lower levels of self-esteem than mature-aged men and women in the control group. There are no differences in the degree of expression of individual psychological characteristics between adolescent and adult respondents with a history of auto-aggressive behavior, except that in adolescence the desire for autonomy is higher than in adulthood.
Conclusions. The results have theoretical significance for the study of mental infantilism in adulthood and for establishing the causes and mechanisms of formation of auto-aggressive behavior. In practical terms, the results expand the possibilities for the development of methods to diagnose, prevent and treat auto-aggressive behavior.
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