Teaching work by air traffic control instructors in the prism of the new competency framework





air traffic controller, instructor, competence, teaching work, trainees, competency questionnaire


Introduction. The number of aviation accidents caused by human factors is decreasing, which encourages researchers to pay more attention to studying system factors, such as training of air traffic control (ATC) specialists. The effectiveness of ATC training has been cited as one of the factors affecting air traffic controllers’ performance. In 2020, ICAO published Amendment 7 to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (Doc 9868), and that publication prompted a lot of attention to the competencies of aviation personnel — in particular, air traffic controllers and instructors. However, the teaching work of ATC instructors has been little studied, and there is no research related to the competencies of ATC instructors. This study describes the behavior of ATC instructors during the training of ATC trainees and compares it with the competency requirements of Doc 9868.

Materials and Methods. The author used Doc 9868 to prepare the Instructor Competency Questionnaire in two versions: for instructors and for trainees. The study was conducted at Azeraeronavigation Air Traffic Department in Baku and various regions of Azerbaijan.

Results. The study found that most instructors have the competencies required from an instructor by Doc 9868. However, the study also revealed that some instructors have gaps in knowledge related to a number of issues: provision of additional psychological support to the trainee; facilitating the trainee’s entry into the professional environment; developing mutual understanding with the trainee; using active listening techniques, etc. The study indicates that there is a need for instructors to increase their level of psychological knowledge and competencies related to the said issues.

Conclusions. The author’s Instructor Competency Questionnaire makes it possible to identify whether instructors have competencies required by the governing aviation document Doc 9868. This questionnaire can be used to select specialists for the position of an instructor, as well as in professional development courses for ATC instructors. Based on the results of the study, a training program can be drawn up to develop the necessary competencies among instructors. The application of such a program and evaluation of its effectiveness will be the goal of subsequent research.



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Sonhaji, I., Jatmoko, D., Wijaksono, A. (2021) Studi adopsi standar kompetensi internasional air traffic controller on the job training instructors kedalam kurikulum pelatihan air traffic controller on the job training instructors. Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi, vol. 14, no. 3, article 14-2. https://doi.org/10.54147/langitbiru.v14i03.479 (In Indonesian)




