Correlation of psychological resilience and dimensions of partial readiness for professional self-development in education students
resilience, professional readiness, students, teaching work, readiness for self-developmentAbstract
Introduction. Future teachers need to acquire not only academic competencies and teaching skills, but also soft skills, such as stress resistance, rapid adaptation and flexibility in difficult situations. It has been argued that psychological resilience is a determinant of readiness for professional activity and future professional self-development, which is especially important for teachers, as teachers are required to have increased flexibility and adaptability in modern conditions. This makes psychological resilience an important research topic, which, however, is insufficiently addressed by Russian-language research.
Materials and Methods. The study focused on the relationship between psychological resilience and partial readiness for professional self-development in education students. The respondents were education students (n = 90) of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Physical Culture of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. The methods included the Russian-language version of the Brief Resilience Scale adapted by V. I. Markova (Markova et al. 2022) and the Partial Readiness for Professional and Pedagogical Self- Development Questionnaire by N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov and G. M. Manuilov (Fetiskin et al. 2002).
Results. The study revealed a weak direct relationship between the level of psychological resilience and the moral and volitional dimension of the readiness for professional self-development in education students, as well as between the level of psychological resilience and the ability for self-government in teaching work.
Conclusions. The results can be used to create correctional and developmental programs aimed at increasing the level of psychological resilience — such programs will also improve the ability for self-government and contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities of future teachers. The results expand theoretical knowledge about psychological resilience and its relationship with professional readiness, which can be used as a groundwork for further and deeper research.
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