Features of intrafamily relationships in children with cancer





intrafamily relationships, siblings, children, cancer, primary school age


Introduction. Child-parent and sibling relationships play an important role in the development of one’s personality. They form the child’s ability to communicate, teach the child how to interact with peers and help him or her socialize in the future. Building relationships is a complex process: very often even healthy children from healthy families are jealous of their siblings and feel the lack of parental attention. The question arises, what is the situation in the families where, in addition to the factor of having a sibling, children are affected by even more complex circumstances in the form of a life-threatening illness? The situation of a child’s cancer is difficult not only for his parents, but also for his brothers and sisters. The article studies the relationships with parents and siblings in children with cancer.

Materials and Methods. The study focuses on intrafamily relationships in families where one of the children has cancer. We carried out a comparative analysis of indicators of intrafamily relationships in children of primary school age with cancer and in their healthy peers. The study involved 25 children: 14 children with cancer and 11 children without any chronic somatic diseases. The families of all the children had two parents and included siblings. The study used the following methods: 1) the Brother-Sister Questionnaire (S. A. Graham- Bermann, S. E. Kalter), 2) the Family Drawing 3) Duss Fairy Tales, and 4) Family Sociogram (E. G. Eidemiller).

Results. The study confirmed the hypothesis that children with cancer have differences in relationships with parents and siblings compared to children without somatic diseases. In contrast to healthy children, children with cancer are characterized by significant emotional closeness with parents and more distant relationships with siblings.

Conclusions. The results of the study can become the basis for developing a program of psychological support for families with children with cancer.



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