Semantic and temporal characteristics of the crisis of professional identity in middle age




identity, middle age, professional identity, crisis of professional identity, semantic and temporal characteristics of the crisis of professional identity


Introduction. The semantic and Introduction. The semantic and temporal characteristics of the crisis of professional identity in middle age are insufficiently studied in modern socio-economic conditions. The global transformations taking place today in all spheres of society along with the new conditions in the labor market have a significant impact on professional activity of a person. This is of particular importance for middle-aged people who have difficulties in self-realization in their current profession. This also requires to develop programs for psychological and pedagogical support for those experiencing a crisis.

Materials and Methods. The following methods were used in the study: Personal and Social Identity Questionnaire by A. A. Urbanovich; M. Kuhn and T. McPartland’s test “Who am I?”; and the repertory grid technique by J. Kelly (the version by A. V. Gray, M. S. Yanitsky). The sample consisted of 40 respondents aged 35–45 years (17 men and 23 women), all students of professional retraining courses in various fields. All the respondents subjectively believed that they were experiencing a crisis in the professional sphere.

Results. We identified two specific tendencies in experiencing a crisis of professional identity in middle age. The semantic aspects of experiencing the crisis of professional identity are manifested in desynchronization of temporal loci of meaning, a decrease in the meaningfulness of subjective future, present and past, and tightening of the system of personal constructs, which indicates a violation of the identity of the “self-image” in time.

Conclusions. The results of the study can be used in the development of a model of support for middle-aged people during a crisis of professional identity.



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