Neuropedagogy as a new applied area in the education system in Bulgaria
neuropedagogy, educational neuroscience, neuropsychology, neurobiology, professional development of teachersAbstract
Introduction. School failure, poor performance during exams, decrease of students’ interest in the subjects, growing behavioral deviations and functional illiteracy constitute increasingly serious and discussed problems in pedagogical circles. Here we are talking about functionally and mentally healthy schoolchildren who fall into the category of the so-called “neurotypical” children. The said problems necessitate the search for appropriate methods to restore children’s interest in the learning process taking place in the school environment. Such methods can be informed by the studies focusing on the functioning of the human brain and the biological foundations of learning processes, as such studies have achieved considerable success in the recent 25 years.
Materials and Methods. Studies of the brain mechanisms of human behavior and cognition are making significant progress. Many researchers working in these fields claim that the available scientific achievements open up a completely new view on science-based education and can be applied to improve the learning processes in general. The introduction of new fields — including neuroscience — into the educational system in Bulgaria raises questions about their integration in the learning process.
Results. The article contains a theoretical analysis and discussion of the use of neuroscience and neuropedagogy in education. The author focuses on the potential of applying neuroscience and neuropedagogy in teaching children with learning difficulties as well as children who do not have learning difficulties but have a potential for improving their academic results.
Conclusions. The article discusses the need for the Bulgarian teachers to obtain expertise related to the application of neuropedagogical and neurodidactic methods in their daily practice.
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