Empathy in doctors, medical students and psychology students: Validation of the Russian-language version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy
empathy, Jefferson Scale of Empathy, cognitive empathy, affective empathy, empathy of students, empathy of doctors, dynamic regulatory systemsAbstract
Introduction. The characteristics of the emotional and cognitive spheres in the structure of an individual’s intellectual and personal potential constitute an important issue of modern psychology. Empathy is an important element of such potential, and it can be studied from different methodological positions. In Russian psychology, there are no questionnaires to assess the level of empathy among healthcare workers. The lack of such questionnaires encouraged us to select and adapt a foreign questionnaire for assessing empathy in the medical field. The study seeks to deepen the understanding of empathy and has the following objectives: 1) to test the Russian-language version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) on a Russian sample; 2) to measure and compare the level of empathy among doctors, medical students and psychology students in Russia; and 3) to substantiate the inclusion of empathy in multi-level personality hierarchies regulated by dynamic regulatory systems.
Materials and Methods. Empathy was measured by the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy (Russian adaptation by A. I. Belousova, M. R. Geyvandova). The sample consisted of 355 people: 125 medical students, 100 doctors and 130 psychology students.
Results. The Russian version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy was confirmed to have a three-factor structure, similar to the original English version, with the scales ‘perspective taking’, ‘compassionate сare’, ‘standing in the patients’ shoes’. Their convergent validity with the scales of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy was demonstrated. Psychology students showed more empathy than medical students and doctors.
Conclusions. The obtained data makes it possible to conclude that the Russian version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy has satisfactory psychometric properties. The results suggest that empathy can be included in multilevel personality hierarchies governed by dynamic regulatory systems.
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