Assessing the influence of social factors on drug addiction of adolescents using mathematical modeling
drug addiction, adolescents, social factors, mathematical model, Fisher criterionAbstract
Introduction. The article considers the use of mathematical modeling to study the influence of social factors on drug addiction of adolescents. The author creates a mathematical model which relies on the socio-demographic information about the families of adolescents to assess the impact of the main social factors on the level of drug addiction of adolescents.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 54 adolescents aged 13–17 years from secondary schools in Moscow and Moscow Region who had previously been treated from drug addiction in hospitals and rehabilitation centers and received outpatient treatment after rehabilitation. All the adolescents took part in the study voluntarily and gave a written consent to participate. Parental consent was obtained for adolescents under 16 years old. The experimental data was processed using D. A. Degtyarev’s multifactorial experiment method. The study considers an interpolation problem for psychology. The solution was obtained by measuring the response function at fixed values of factors — in other words, a survey of respondents was conducted.
Results. The influence of the main social factors on drug addiction of adolescents was identified. The interpolation problem was solved in several stages. The respondents were surveyed, and their socio-demographic information was processed and used to construct approximated graphical dependencies. Four social factors were selected: the type of family, the number of children in the family, the level of education of the parents, the mother’s age at the time of survey, and the age in which the mother gave birth to the first child. The functions for each factor were selected. A generalized mathematical model was obtained, and all factors were checked for significance according to the Fisher criterion.
Conclusions. The resulting mathematical model makes it possible to make a forecast of the level of drug addiction in a certain locality or region. The model makes it possible to theoretically calculate resources and carry out a targeted work with families and adolescents who have a high risk of drug addiction.
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