Innovative educational environment and psycho-pedagogical interaction as factors of professional competencies development in a university teacher


  • Shakhlo S. Sharipova Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami



innovative educational environment, interaction, cooperation, professional competencies, university teacher


Introduction. Uzbekistan currently pays special attention to introducing innovative educational technologies into the educational process at universities. This can be accomplished only if university teachers have the competencies necessary to use educational innovations when interacting with students. The article analyses the contribution of innovative educational environment and psycho-pedagogical interaction to the development of professional competencies of a university teacher.

Materials and Methods. The study is a theoretical one. The following approaches were used: humanistic, environmental, system-structural, competence-based, innovative, synergetic, and general cultural.

Results. The effectiveness of the innovative educational environment at a university is ultimately measured by the development of professional competencies of teachers. Such development is possible only where the teacher continuously interacts with students in a cooperative manner. Psychological adaptation and pedagogical cognition are considered as the main directions of implementation of psycho-pedagogical cooperation between teacher and students. In an innovative educational environment, university teachers acquire competencies required to solve socially significant tasks. Teachers’ professionalism increases in the process of exchanging ideas and experiences with students. Cooperation creates opportunities for self-management and self-development of all its participants and, as a result, is an important condition for the development of their communicative, personal-psychological and creative abilities. This means that cooperation with students can be considered as a prerequisite for the teacher’s aspiration for constant professional growth.

Conclusion. Psycho-pedagogical cooperation in an innovative educational environment is an important condition for the formation of new forms of intellectual and creative activity of university teachers. Psycho-pedagogical cooperation in such an environment is also a factor of increasing motivation and support of university teachers, as well as a factor of development of professional competencies which are necessary to solve strategic tasks of the education system.



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