Structure and quality of reproductive attitudes in married couples
reproductive attitudes, reproductive behavior, structure of attitudes, psychosomatic risks, married couples, attitude to the future childAbstract
Introduction. The government policy in Russia is to increase the birth rate. In this regard, it is important to study the attitudes of married couples towards having children. The article investigates the structure and quality of reproductive attitudes in married couples. The authors analyse the dynamics of spouses’ attitudes over 5 years, from 2017 to 2022.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 514 people aged 22-45 years: 134 married couples (268 people) in 2017 and 123 married couples (246 people) in 2022. The study focused on three components of reproductive attitudes: the cognitive component (J. Kelly’s Repertory Grid Test), emotional component (Color Relationship Test) and behavioral component (E. S. Schaefer and R. K. Bell’s PARI Parent Attitude Research Instrument, adapted by T. V. Nesheret).
Results. The study found changes in reproductive attitudes in men — specifically, men’s reproductive attitudes became more integrated in 2022 compared to 2017. There were no significant changes in women over the five years. However, the degree of integration of women’s attitudes is higher than that of men. The study found system-forming components of reproductive attitudes in both spouses and revealed the interaction of the emotional, behavioral and cognitive components of reproductive attitudes. Women consider it important to build an emotionally close relationship with their future child, while men tend to consider it less important to be emotionally involved in the relationship with both their spouse and their future child.
Conclusions. Early detection of negative or uncoordinated reproductive attitudes in married couples will reduce the risks arising from parental attitudes towards the preservation of future children’s health. As a prospect for further interdisciplinary research, the findings contributed to the development of a map of psychological markers of psychosomatic risks: the map can be used by physicians to analyze the manifestations of their patients.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vera B. Nikishina, Ekaterina A. Petrash, Maria Yu. Kazaryan, Irina A. Simonenko, Ekaterina S. Orlova
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