Psychological description of the factors of professional self-determination in medical students studying for a secondary vocational degree
self-determination, professional self-determination, professional formation, training of medical personnel, psychological characteristics, medical student, motivation of students, gender characteristics of personalityAbstract
Introduction. Professional self-determination of students is a precondition for their successful adaptation to professional activity. The article describes the psychological factors of students’ professional self-determination.
Materials and Methods. The study involved 76 second-year students of the Faculty of Dentistry of Novosibirsk State Medical University (year of study 2021–2022) enrolled on a secondary vocational degree program. The research methods were selected according to the levels of professional self-determination proposed by E. A. Klimov. The gnostic level was studied by the following methods: M. Rokich’s Questionnaire of Value Orientations, D. A. Leontiev’s Life Orientations Test, R. V. Ovcharova’s Motives for Choosing a Profession Test, S. A. Pakulin’s Motivation of Pedagogical University Students, S. M. Ketko, V. V. Boyko’s Method of Diagnostics of Communicative Attitude, K. Izard’s Differential Emotions Scale, L. A. Regush’s Ability to Predict Questionnaire, and M. V. Chumakov’s Volitional Qualities of Personality Questionnaire. The practical level was studied by the following methods: Professional Self-Determination of Medical Students Questionnaire developed by the authors, A. A. Azbel’s Questionnaire for Studying the Statuses of Professional Identity, V. V. Boyko’s Questionnaire for Diagnosing Communicative Tolerance, and M. Kuhn and T. McPartland’s test “Who am I?” processed by I.S. Kletsina.
Results. The study revealed the following factors of professional self-determination of students: psychological maturity, motivation, value orientations, life position, identity, communication style and cognitive competence. The analysis of the components of the levels of professional self-determination showed the contradictory nature of the relationship between the two levels. At the practical level, students are inclined to show mercy and have a well-formed professional identity. At the gnostic level, however, students who have a formed motivation for learning demonstrate a tendency to aggressive behavior, doubts about the choice of profession and lack of positive emotions. Further, there is a dominance of muscular characteristics. The data allowed us to formulate the assumption that students’ gender characteristics transformed as a result of students having to resolve the contradiction between the requirements for professional training and psychological capabilities to meet them.
Conclusions. By the end of study, students go through the stage of professional formation, clarifying the value-semantic sphere of the profession and solving the contradiction between the requirements for professional training and the psychological capability to satisfy them. Further study is needed to explain why the muscular gender characteristic dominates in students’ communication style.
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