Modernization of patriotic education based on the principles of positive psychology in the modern school




modernization of patriotic education, positive psychology, declared patriotism, positively biased attitude of the teacher to students, engagement, accomplishment, meaning


Introduction. The article presents the results of an empirical study which revealed some trends and contradictions in the development of patriotic sentiments of modern Russian schoolchildren. For instance, a high level of declared patriotism (60.6%) is accompanied with the devaluation of actual patriotic activity. Based on the obtained data, the purpose of the study was defined as the search for new effective methods of patriotic education that correspond to the ideas and needs of the younger generation.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 627 school students from Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Stavropol Region, Moscow Region and the city of Moscow. The methods included questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and constructing a semantic differential.

Results. The choice of educational methods which are based on the principles of positive psychology (i. e., positively biased attitude of the teacher to students, engagement, fulfillment and meaning) was conditioned by the current challenges of the new social reality and the specifics of students’ ideas about patriotism. The effectiveness of educational programs created within the framework of positive pedagogy and psychology (The Penn Resilience Program, The SPARK Resilience Program, etc.) has been empirically proven and confirmed by the formation of students’ skills, such as cognitive reframing, creative thinking, optimistic perception of reality, responsible attitude to civic duty.

Conclusion. The results revealed a significant potential of positive psychology, on the principles of which new forms, methods and technologies of patriotic education are being formed. Future research may focus on the adaptation of positive pedagogy and psychology to the peculiarities of Russian education system.



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