Personal correlates of the characteristics of the moral sphere manifested in situations of moral choice in students with different types of life orientations




moral sphere of personality, subjectivity of personality, subjectivity potential, life orientations of personality, students of higher educational institutions, moral choice


Introduction. The article presents the results of the empirical study of the personal correlates of the characteristics of the moral sphere manifested in the process of solving moral dilemmas by students with different types of life orientations. At present, it is becoming increasingly important to discuss the relationship between the moral sphere of young people’s personality and their subjective orientation, which is an individual specificity of the potential of subjectivity and its manifestations in life situations.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 344 students of A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University and M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. A battery of psychodiagnostic methods was used to collect empirical data, including E. K. Veselova’s “Friend-advisor–2” technique, M. Ya. Dvoretskaya’s method of studying the standard of life activity, I. G. Timoshchuk’s method of diagnosing the level of moral and ethical responsibility. Tymoshchuk, the method of researching the content of identity “Who I am” by M. Kuhn, T. McPartland, the scale of emotional response by A. Megrabyan and N. Epstein, the questionnaire for studying the tendencies of prosocial behaviour by G. Carlo and V. A. Randall in the adaptation of N. V. Kuhtova, the method of researching the life orientations of personality by E. Yu. Korzhova. Content analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were used in the process of statistical processing of the presented materials.

Results of the study. New data were obtained on the differences in the personal correlates of the characteristics of the moral sphere manifested in the process of solving moral dilemmas by students with different types of life orientations (subjective, objective, mixed). It has been established that young people with subjective type of life orientations have correlations of the moral sphere of personality with moral responsibility, reflexion and the significance of altruistic and existential values in life activity. The sample of respondents with object orientation is more characterised by the interrelations of moral sphere indicators with social roles in the fulfilment of moral norms, external motives and orientation to a social standard of life activity. Young people with a mixed type of life orientations are characterised by an unstable construct of moral functioning of the personality, which is manifested mainly at the behavioral level of self-regulation.

Conclusion. The obtained results contribute to the study of the phenomenology of the moral sphere in the relationship with the subjective orientation of personality, and can also be used to develop programmes of moral education of young people.



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