The influence of school environment on problem behaviors of high school students: The mediating effect of personality traits




school environment, problem behaviors, high school students, personality traits


Introduction. The behavior of students is an important object of management in the school classroom. Bad behavior often reduces the effectiveness of teaching and causes stress for teachers. The school environment, according to Jiang Guangong (Jiang 2004), includes teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, order and discipline, competitiveness, and academic workload. This study focuses on the factors influencing the problem behavior of high school students.

Materials and Methods. The study employed the following methods: Problem Behavior of High School Students in the Classroom by Li Qingqing (Li 2009), My Class by Jiang Guangrong (Jiang 2004), the Self- Perception Questionnaire by Zhang Yibin (Zhang 2008), the Personality Questionnaire by Zhou Hui (Zhou et al. 2000), and Adaptability of High School Students at School Scale by Yu Nong (Yu 2009). Correlation analysis and stratified regression analysis were used as mathematical and statistical methods; the Bootstrap procedure was used to test the mediating effect of personality traits between the school environment and the problem behavior of high school students. The study involved 1450 high school students (grades 10-12, 43.2% boys and 56.8% girls) of a secondary school of Panzhou City, Guizhou Province, China.

Results. The degree of influence of school environment and personality traits on problem behavior of high school students was studied by regression analysis. Problem behavior in the classroom was a dependent variable, and indicators of the school environment, personality traits and demographic characteristics were independent variables. The results showed that there is both a direct and inverse relationship between various indicators of the school environment and personality traits, on the one hand, and problem behavior of high school students, on the other. Further, the study revealed a partial mediating effect of personality traits (cognitive, personal and adaptive) between school environment and problem behavior in classroom.

Conclusions. The school environment can influence problem behavior of high school students not only directly, but also indirectly, through personality traits.


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