Bodily modifications as a cultural and historical phenomenon of self-harming behavior




bodily modification, tattoo, plastic surgery, self-harm, non-suicidal self-harming behavior, deviant behavior, auto-aggressive behavior, cultural and historical approach


Introduction. There are a number of studies indicating that people with bodily modifications have more difficulties in social adaptation, a higher level of psychological distress and, as a result, higher risks of deviant behavior. These facts indicate the need for a deeper study of the phenomenon of bodily modifications. The article attempts to establish the functional meaning of bodily modifications, define the concept and identify the place of the phenomenon in the structure of auto-destructive behavior.

Materials and Methods. The article compares the phenomenon of body modifications with the phenomenon of non-suicidal self-harming behavior. The article also provides data on the prevalence and classifications of body modifications and self-harm.

Results. Bodily modifications are considered as a form of self-harming behavior. It is concluded that the modern practice of bodily modifications is a complex socialized form of self-harming behavior that arose as a result of the evolutionary development of society. The functional meaning of bodily modifications is established: it is understood as the mediation of affect, which is an immature mental function, through an external sign, which is the modification of the body. Tattooing is considered as a tool for mastering and managing negative experiences that have not reached the stage of mature emotion, which is the highest mental function.

Conclusions. The analysis of the phenomenon of bodily modifications allows us to give a scientific justification of its relationship with the specifics of the mental activity of the subject. Further scientific study of this relationship is important—e. g., for the formation of a legal framework regulating the plastic surgery industry (“endo-modifications”). In addition, the availability of tattoos and piercings (“exo-modifications”) for objective observation makes it possible to widely use this behavioral indicator for the primary identification of persons with an increased risk of maladaptation in the field of education.



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