Psychological well-being of students and safety of the educational environment in organizations of secondary vocational education


  • Sergei V. Tarasov Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



well-being, psychological well-being, psychological safety of the educational environment, students, organizations of secondary vocational education


Introduction. Psychological well-being is the most important condition for the successful realization of a person’s potential in various spheres of life. This makes it relevant to study both the level characteristics of psychological well-being in different population groups and the factors that determine them. The article presents the results of a study into the psychological well-being of students in educational institutions implementing secondary vocational education programs in the context of psychological safety of the educational environment.

Materials and methods. The collection of empirical data was carried out using the Psychological Well-Being Scale by C. Ryff (adapted by T. D. Shevelenkova and T. P. Fesenko) and the methodology Psychological Safety of the Educational Environment by I. A. Baeva. The sample consisted of 2,668 students of educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education in one of the regions of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, including 1,915 male students and 753 female students aged from 16 to 21.

Results. It was found that 96.9% of the surveyed students have a low level of psychological well-being, with 3.1% of the students having an average level. A low level of psychological safety was noted in 3.2% of students; medium, in 24.0%; high, in 49.0%; and the highest, in 23.8%. Differences in the level of psychological well-being in groups of students with different levels of psychological safety were revealed, demonstrating a direct relationship between psychological well-being and psychological safety: for the total indicator H = 172.965 at p ≤ 0.001; for the indicator of positive relations H = 150.739 at p ≤ 0.001; for the indicator of autonomy H = 44.812 at p ≤ 0.001; for the indicator of environment management H = 231.839 at p ≤ 0.001; for the indicator of personal growth H = 128.754 at p ≤ 0.001; for the indicator of goals in life H = 126.198 at p ≤ 0.001; for the index of self-acceptance H = 36.695 at p ≤ 0.001.

Conclusion. The study contributed to the understanding of the complex multifactorial structure of objective and subjective factors of psychological well-being and the place of psychological safety among these factors.



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