Concepts of researching the loneliness of elderly


  • Natalia H. Alexandrova International Business School



loneliness, psychological approaches to studying and research, isolation, seclusion, methods of research, subjectness


The strong research interest in the psychology of aging results from the increasing share of the elderly in the social and demographic structure of the modern society. Both loneliness and social isolation are generally seen as problems related to ageing and are considered particularly important determinants of seniors’ well-being. Social isolation is an objective indicator of poor social integration. In other words, loneliness may be described as a type of social isolation that is perceived negatively. There is a difference, however, between a state of loneliness (referring to a short-lasting sudden feeling of loneliness) and loneliness as a trait, i. e. a relatively long-lasting experience of loneliness. The level of and the reasons for loneliness, as it is perceived by the elderly and as it drives their behaviour, depend on their age bracket. Loneliness in the old age is associated with reduction in activity connected with inability to work or a lack of mobility, rather than a lack of social contacts. The problem of ageism pertains to a discriminatory attitude towards elderly individuals and their isolation from society. This is an important social and psychological factor that enables the feeling of loneliness. Obviously people in the later periods of ontogenesis have not only to adapt to the new external conditions, but also to react to the changes within themselves. The present paper attempts to define personal subjectness (i. e. agency) as a quality of the senior individual’s personality, which includes their ability to adapt not only to constantly changing environment, but also to one’s own self. The content of the personal subjectness is also presented through the characteristics of the lowered or increased levels and different types of loneliness.


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