Strategies of responding to uncertainty as a subject of socio-psychological analysis
uncertainty, situation of uncertainty, response to uncertainty, strategy of responding to uncertainty, strategy structure, socio-psychological approachAbstract
Introduction. The study of an individual’s response to situations of uncertainty is extremely relevant in the modern unstable and changeable world. The available research is fragmented, as it involves different approaches to defining uncertainty and focuses on various isolated aspects of the problem. The article proposes and substantiates the definition and structure of the “strategy of responding to uncertainty” concept from the perspective of modern social psychology.
Materials and Methods. The author analyzes research publications regarding human response to situations of uncertainty.
Results. Based on the analysis of the literature, the author substantiates the productivity of using the “strategy of responding to uncertainty” concept in the psychological analysis of the ways in which a person handles a situation of uncertainty. The author also describes the structure of this concept. The strategy of responding to uncertainty is a generalized way of responding to a situation which is perceived by a person as uncertain, unusual and ambiguous based on the person’s assessment of the specifics of the situation as well as his/her own resources and capabilities, emotional experiences, motives and goals. In terms of structure, the strategy includes cognitive, emotional, motivational and cognitive components. The cognitive component includes the assessment of the situation as uncertain, assessment of this uncertainty as positive or negative, assessment of one’s resources and the ability to influence the situation, etc. The emotional component includes those experiences that arise in a person in a situation of uncertainty. The motivational component is represented by the motives and goals that guide a person in a situation of uncertainty. The conative component includes actions in a situation of uncertainty or readiness for such actions.
Conclusions. The results of this theoretical study can be used to build an empirical program for socio-psychological study of strategies of responding to uncertainty.
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