Subjective well-being as a factor of internet preferences of young women and men of student age
internet communication, internet, content, social networks, subjective well-being, students, youth, gender characteristicsAbstract
Introduction. Monitoring and control of the subjective well-being of young people can be carried out through the search and evaluation of specific quantitative and qualitative network indicators.
Materials and Methods. The object of the study is the subjective well-being of young students, while the subject is the internet preferences of students with different levels of subjective well-being. The purpose: to establish the influence of the components of subjective well-being on the preference for specific internet resources and topics of internet content by students, taking into account their gender. The sample: 228 students from Omsk (117 females and 111 males, average age 18.79 years). Methods: questioning, testing (the method “Diagnosis of subjective well-being of a person” by R. M. Shamionov and T. V. Beskovа), criteria for the significance of differences and analysis of variance.
Results. The choice of specific internet resources is influenced by the level of emotional, existential and hedonistic well-being of young people. Significant relationships were found between well-being and topics preferred by young people. Specifically, indicators of emotional well-being determine the frequency of access to domestic and household content; existential, to religious and sports content; social and normative, to political, gaming and sports content; ego well-being, to humorous and sports content, as well as content related to lifestyle and computer games. Females are more inclined to use TikTok and prefer aesthetic, psychological, domestic/household and entertainment topics. Males prefer YouTube and content related to education, news, politics, technology, sports and games. The frequency of access to VKontakte does not depend on the gender of the user, nor does the interest in humorous, educational, artistic, cinematic, social and religious types of content.
Conclusions. The results confirm the assumption that the level of subjective well-being determines the frequency of access by males and females to specific internet resources and internet content of a certain topic.
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