The structural model of social intelligence and generalized trust based on T. Yamagishi’s emancipation theory of trust


  • Evgeniy A. Vlasenko Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



generalized trust, social intelligence, emancipation theory of trust, empathy, social perception


Introduction.This research focuses on T. Yamagishi’s hypothesis on the link between generalized trust and the ability to accurately assess the other’s reliability. As noted in a number of works, the hypothesis requires verification insofar as a more detailed analysis of the structure of social intelligence is concerned. This research explores the link between generalized trust and structural components of social intelligence and establishes a new structural model of social intelligence which includes generalized trust.

Materials and methods. The study sample consisted of 233 students of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. The following methods were used to measure empirical indicators: General Trust Scale (generalized trust), The Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale (social skills, social awareness and social information processing) and The Empathy Quotient (cognitive empathy and emotional reactivity).

Results of the study. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) showed that those respondents who were predisposed to trust scored higher on social skills, social awareness and emotional reactivity. In accordance with the regression model, these indicators were identified as determinants of the level of generalized trust. The results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed a two-factor structure of the empirical indicators; the factors were interpreted as the “Social perception and ability to analyze the context of interaction” factor and “Social openness and sensitivity” factor.

Conclusion. This two-factor structure is proposed as a new structural model of social intelligence. Based on the results, T. Yamagishi’s emancipation theory of trust was expanded. The functions of structural components of social intelligence within the context of the emancipation theory were discussed. The inclusion of empathy into T. Yamagishi’s “generalized trust—social perception” link hypothesis was explained. Further research is proposed to explore the interrelationship between generalized trust and empathy, and to test the proposed model of social intelligence.



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