Russian adaptation of Yamagishi’s General Trust Scale using student sample
generalized trust, dispositional trust, trust, student, scale adaptationAbstract
Introduction. Generalized trust is an unconditional expectation of the reliability of someone with whom the truster has no experience of interacting, and such expectation is based on the truster’s generalized experience of previous interactions with others. Research on generalized trust requires the revision of available measurement techniques. This article is focused on adaptation of the Russian version of the General Trust Scale (GTS), a technique proposed by T. Yamagishi for measurement of the level of generalized trust.
Materials and Methods. Empirical data was collected on a sample of students of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (n = 233) and analyzed using statistical methods.
Results. The internal consistency of the GTS was shown by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the calculated α-Cronbach coefficient (0.86) and the average correlation coefficient between items (0.5). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the one-factor structure of the questionnaire. The concurrent criterion validity of the GTS was confirmed by the vignette quasi-experiment based on T. Yamagishi and M. Kosugi’s original experimental design which showed differences in the assessment of the reliability of others depending on the scores of the GTS. The convergent validity was confirmed by the correlation between the scores of the GTS and the scores of the Social Trust subscale of J. Rotter’s Interpersonal Trust Scale (modified by I. Yu. Leonova and I. N. Leonov) which was applied to the same sample.
Conclusions. The results indicate that the Russian version of the Generalized Trust Scale (GTS) has satisfactory psychometrical properties. The author recommends its usage for research and diagnostic purposes.
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