Difficult life situations of social interaction through the eyes of teenagers from migrant families
difficult life situation, teenagers from migrant families, resilient style, victim style, coping, maladaptive strategies, socio-cultural environmentAbstract
Introduction. The article is focused on difficult life situations and coping styles of teenagers from migrant families in the context of school education. Adolescence by itself is a source of significant changes, but for teenagers from migrant families these changes are compounded by the need to adapt to a new socio-cultural environment. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug has a multicultural educational environment which includes representatives of various traditions. The problems of such an environment are bullying, violence, aggression and intolerance. These problems aggravate the already difficult situation of teenagers from migrant families, since they need to adapt to many cultures instead of one.
Materials and Methods. The research was conducted using the method of serial drawings and stories (I. M. Nikolskaya). The sample included 144 teenagers from migrant families and 72 teenagers from non-migrant families.
Results. 1. The study identified that the following problems are the most relevant for teenagers: problems with studying, conflicts stemming from intercultural differences (comments about appearance, accent, etc.), conflicts with teachers and parents, fear of the future in a new country, division into “friends and foes”, etc. 2. The study identified the trends in the response of migrant teenagers to difficulties, problems and conflicts. 3. The study identified the groups of teenagers who demonstrate a tendency to use maladaptive (specifically, victimized) ways of responding to difficulties. The behavior of these teenagers in difficult situations aggravates their situation and increases the risk of maladaptation.
Conclusions. The obtained results indicate the need for psycho-corrective work to prevent the maladaptation of teenagers from migrant families in the new socio-cultural environment. This kind of work should develop teenagers’ skills of adaptive overcoming of difficult life situations. Our future research is going to involve the development of a board game for teenagers from migrant families in order to help them overcome difficult life situations of everyday school life and form social interaction skills in the new socio-cultural environment.
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