Perception of virtual objects by preschoolers in the process of using information devices with touch screen




preschoolers, digital socialization, touchscreen technology, perception, virtual objects, visual-tactile discrepancy phenomenon


Introduction. The article focuses on the mental development of children of early and preschool age in a situation where they simultaneously perceive both the real and the virtual worlds. Specifically, the article deals with the perception of the shape and weight of a virtual object in conditions of visual/tactile inconsistency.

Materials and methods. The article presents the results of a series of empirical studies of the cognitive activity of preschool children when they perceive three-dimensional objects modeled by means of information devices with a touch screen. We used customized experimental procedures and a computer application which records the kinematics of a virtual object moving on the iPad screen. The novelty of our empirical study lies in the use of the analytical approach to research the role of vision and tactile perception.

Research results. The obtained empirical data shows that preschoolers perceive computer models of three-dimensional objects on the screen as three-dimensional, despite the discrepancy between visual and haptic information about these objects received when performing actions with them on a two-dimensional screen surface. In the event preschoolers do not have the opportunity to perform actions with the image of a three-dimensional object on the screen of a tablet computer, they significantly more often perceive the object as two-dimensional.

Conclusion. These results are consistent with foreign studies of perception in conditions of multisensory conflict—the foreign authors conclude that the brain tends to integrate visual and tactile information and gives more weight to the information which is more reliable. The result of perception is determined not so much by the actual sensory information but by the assessment of probability of the object having a particular feature, taking into account the existing associations.



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